How much do you charge?
Charges depend on the services required. You can see pricing under "Our Services"
How do we get started?
Click the 'New Client Sign Up' button to create your GAPS profile and schedule a Consultation/Meet & Greet Visit.
This visit is FREE and will last 30 - 45 minutes.
This visit is required before we can begin services.
There is never a charge for the first consultation visit.
If you are not able to provide two keys on this visit we will charge for the 2nd visit at a rate of $20.00.
How many pet sitting visits per day for "vacation" visits?
For dogs without access to a doggie door and securely fenced yard we make a minimum of three (3) visits per day. If you need additional visits we are happy to provide them.
For dogs with access to a doggie door and securely fenced yard we make a minimum of two (2) visits per day. If you need additional visits we are happy to provide them.
For dogs that remain out of doors during the daytime without access to a doggy door, we will provide services if the yard is securely fenced and the dogs are taken inside at night. We require a minimum of two (2) visits per day.
We reserve the right to add a third visit if we deem weather conditions are too severe to remain outside or if for any reason we believe the dogs are not safe outside unsupervised.
Cats, Birds, Fish and Small Caged Pets
For cats, birds, fish and small caged pets we make a minimum of one visit per day. If your pets need additional visits we are happy to provide them at our regular rates.
We strongly encourage you to have all cats stay inside 24/7 unless you have a catio.
If you feed stray or feral cats, we will provide services provided you have made suitable shelters for ferals in the cold weather months and provided the cats have shade in the hot weather months.
What will you do if my pet becomes ill or injured?
We will make an immediate assessment based on the knowledge we gained from Pet Tech Pet Saver and render Pet First Aid.
We will contact you and report our findings.
If we are not able to reach you we will contact your emergency backup.
If we are not able to contact your emergency backup, we will use our judgement regarding seeking veterinary assessment and treatment.
You are responsible for the cost of all veterinary assessment, evaluation and treatment services.
In an extreme emergency we reserve the right to proceed to the veterinary clinic or hospital prior to contacting you.