15 minute visit
This is perfect for the dog that simply needs to do their business, whether an oldie that can't wait or a puppy that is still learning. Visit will last approximately 15 minutes. $22.00 for two dogs. $2.50 for additional dogs.
60 minute visit
50-60 minute visit is available for your high energy dogs or those with special needs such as needing extra time to eat and go potty or need extra loving because of anxiety issues. Visits will last at least 50 minutes. $45 for two dogs. $2.50 for additional dogs.
30 minute visit
Our standard and most used service. Depending on the needs of your dog(s) it can include a neighborhood walk, outside/inside play, fresh water, treats and food as requested. Visits will last approximately 30 minutes. $25.00 for two dogs. $2.50 for additional dogs.
Holiday Fees
Holiday Visits will be an additional $5.00 per visit.
These fees go directly the sitter as a 'thank you' for working the holiday.